Sunday, July 18, 2010

Richmond, Virgina

Today I drove from North Carolina to Richmond. I stopped at the Civil War Museum and at the Hollywood Cemetery. The Museum was nice, but pretty small with mostly written plaques more then actual artifacts. However, there was one artifact that really interested me. It was a doctors medical kit. It had all kinds of saws and scaples and the leather strap for the men to bite on during the procedures... it looked more like a torture kit, but it was soooo cool! (Unfortunately, photos were not allowed to be taken in the museum.)
The Hollywood Cemetery was my next stop. It is named after all the holly trees that grow on the grounds. This was the most beautiful and the biggest cemetery I have ever seen! There are two US Presidents buried there, James Monroe and John Tyler; and Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederate states. I really enjoyed driving through the winding labyrinth of roads with my Pride and Prejudice soundtrack on in the background while taking in the view and serenity. I know there is so much to see in Virgina, but I would highly recommend putting this on your list of places to see.

1 comment:

  1. That looks so interesting. I love old cemenitaries. The large ornate markers are so neat.
