My friend, Megan, and I went to WV this weekend. WV was the last state on the eastern side of the country that I hadn't been to. We packed a lot into the weekend. We drove all the way to WV on Friday night (a five hour drive). The next morning we went to the Heritage Farm and Museum. This was a cool little family owned farm where they collected all kinds of antiques from the WV area from the past 100 years. All of the museum buildings are made from restored wood from old barns in the area. There was a cute little church and a one room school house that we got to see as well.
Seeing how people lived back in the pioneer days makes you really appreciate what you have, and realize how convenient our lives are today.
Afterward, we went to downtown Huntington. There was not much there, but we did do some shopping in a nice book store and ate lunch at Hillbilly Hotdogs. A really crazy hotdog place that took the hillbilly theme to a new level! The hotdogs were good, but you definitely have to want to go there for the atmosphere (or lack thereof) not the food.
We visited with one of Megan's friends who lives in the area and then started our drive back. The next day we stopped by Corbin, Kentucky where Colonel Sanders lived and founded the first Kentucky Fried Chicken. We of course had to taste the chicken so we got a couple pieces. I have not had KFC chicken for years, but this did not taste like what I remembered. It tasted more peppery. Interesting.
We continued on down the highway toward the Cumberland Gap National Park. There was a gorgeous view from the top, but the roads to get up there were crazy with all kinds of hairpin turns. I was pretty excited too because I got my annual parks pass at the gift shop which gets me and anyone in my car into all the national parks for free! I cant wait to start seeing and doing in the most beautiful parts of our country.
That really is a hair pin turn. Boy glad we weren't in the RV :-0. Dad would hate us!! Glad you had an opportunity to purchase a park pass. Will that work at Yellowstone???? I just booked our flights for our July visit. Can't wait.